
me_4721My name is David Posnett.  My studio is called Maidstone Jewelry.  My inspiration derives from the beauty of the beaches where we live, and from the beach stones that are at the core of our collection. We find our stones on the beaches of East Hampton, NY.  It takes thousands of years for nature to patiently craft every stone at our feet.  With wonder and respect we work to highlight and display the qualities of the stones we choose.

Anything that is old, antique, picked up off the beach… will capture my imagination.  Museums with collections of ancient jewelry are a special treat!

But there is more. Diamonds (specially diamonds in the rough and colored diamonds), gem stones, gold and silver… Wedding jewelry, engagements, gifts. Custom designs together with the customer! We will work with you to design your own wedding rings – they will be unique and exactly what you want.  Every piece has  a story to tell.  Every piece is a unique work of (body) art.

I have been studying jewelry, gold and silver smithing at the 92nd Street Y in New York City with Honey Jeanne Laber, Klaus Buergel, Tova Botwinick, Jiwon Han and Jonathan Wahl since 2001. I am a member of the East End Arts Council, the Montauk Artists Association, the East Hampton Artists Alliance  and the South Fork Craftsmen’s Guild.

Oh, I forgot… I have a first career: I am an MD, a physician scientist, and a professor of medicine.  You can read more about me here  or here.

This blog is about anything remotely related to jewelry, about nature and about our beaches.

M A I D S T O N E   J E W E L R Y

East Hampton, New York

631 379-2200

website: http://www.maidstonejewelry.com

email: studio@maidstonejewelry.com

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